Asthi Visarjan

Asthi Visarjan

"Asthi Visarjan" is a Hindu funeral ritual where the mortal remains (ashes and bones) of a deceased person are immersed in a sacred river or any other body of water. This ritual is believed to help the departed soul attain Moksha (liberation) and to bring peace to the family members of the deceased.

The ritual involves collecting the ashes and bones of the deceased after the body has been cremated, and then carrying them to the chosen body of water for immersion. The family members typically perform prayers and offer flowers and other offerings during the ritual.

Asthi Visarjan is considered an important part of Hindu funeral customs and is believed to help the soul move on to the afterlife. It is also believed to help the family members find closure and move on from their grief.

Note: Pandit ji has celestial instincts, keeping this in mind while booking the puja, note that no refund of any kind will be given after the puja is booked.
This fixed dakshina for all puja bookings is valid only in Varanasi. Dakshina will increase for puja bookings in other cities.